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Archimedes from Alexandria

Archimedes is a mathematician, anstronom, philosopher, physicist, and the famous engineer who lived in Greece in the year 287 until 212 b.c.. Archimedes was born in the port town named Syracuse, the city is now known as the Sicilian. Archimedes was a nephew of the reigning king of Xenophon's Hiero II of Syracuse in the period. He was killed by a Roman soldier during the sack of Syracusa, Despite the orders from the Roman general, Marcellus that he cannot hurt. Some historians of mathematics looked at Archimedes as one of the greatest mathematicians in history, Maybe together Newton and Gauss.


The name Archimedes became famous after he jumped from the tub is attached and running around naked after proving that Crown King is not made of pure gold. The Utterance “Eureka (I found it)” become famous until now. Archimedes is also the first person to define the system of numbers that contains “myriad (10000)”, myramid seuatu numbers whose value indicates an infinite loop. It also defines the comparison between the circumference of a circle and the radius of the circle known as the pi for 3.1429.

King Hiero II was then tied to a treaty with the Romans. Syracuse should send a large amount of wheat in the Romans, so that they are not attacked. Up to one when Hiero II can no longer afford to send the specified quantities of wheat. Because that Archimedes was commissioned to design and make new types of ships to strengthen the Navy of King Hiero II.

gambar archimedes tokoh pada masa yunani kuno
archimedes ' figure in the image of ancient Greece

At that time, the ship made by Archimedes is the largest ship. To be able to float, This ship should be drained of water that inundate the ship deck. Because of the magnitude of this ship, the amount of water that must be dipindahkanpun very much. Because ituArchimedes created a tool called “Archimedes ' Screw”. With this water could easily be sucked up from the deck of the ship. The size of this great ship also raises another problem. The mass of the heavy ship, cause it's hard to move. To overcome this, Archimedes back menciptkan pulley system called “Compound Pulley”. With this system, the ship and its crew and charge can be moved simply by pulling a string. The ship was later renamed Syracusia, and be the most phenomenal ships of that era.


During the war with the Romans, known as the second war of punik, Archimedes back great meritorious. Archimedes designed a number of defenses to prevent the Roman army under Marcus Claudius Marcellus, seizing Syracuse.

When the Roman fleet which consists of 120 the ship began to appear on the horizon of Syracuse. Archimedes had thought hard to prevent enemy docked dipantai. Archimedes then tried burning the Roman ships by using a mirror assembled from Syracuse warriors shields. Archimedes was planning to burn enemy ships by concentrating sunlight. However, this plan seems less successful. This is due to the amount of enough heat to burn a ship, the ship had to be silent.

Although the results are less satisfactory, with this tool the Roman army succeeded in dazzling Archimedes to their difficulty to archery. Heat ditimbulkn with this tool also manages to make the enemy kegerahan, until they get tired before dealing with the Syrcuse.

When the enemy began to besiege Syracuse Beach, Archimedes back brain twist. The goal this time is to find a way to drown this Roman ships. Archimedes then created a tool called Archimedes ' claws. This tool is similar to the shape of the crane at the present. After the tool is tacitly associated to the body of enemy ships, the crane was then drawn. Akibanya the enemy will ship capsizes, or even torn and sinks.

In addition to both of these tools are Archimedes balista and catapult is also developing to fight the Roman army. But unfortunately although it supported various discoveries of Archimedes, Syracuse is still strong compared with the Roman army. Archimedespun was eventually killed by the Roman army. When killed Archimedes was working on the issue by describing the geometry of circles on the ground. Before being killed, he shouted at a passing Roman armies “Do not disturb lingkaranku!!!

ref : = 3895


so a brief biography taken from some reference about Archimedes. hopefully helpful.

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